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BIO 341 Lecture Topic 12: Dormancy and spore germination

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Dormancy Metabolism Characteristics


1.      Minimal metabolic turnover


2.      Low water content


3.      General lack of cytoplasmic movement


4.      Temperature optima for germination which are often very different than those for vegetative growth


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Factors that influence spore dormancy


I.       Internal factors

         a.         Maturity

         b.         Longevity

         c.         Vitality

         d.         Endogenous substrate reserves


II.       External factors

         a.         Temperature

         b.         Light

         c.         Hydration

         d.         Aeration

         e.         Chemical environment


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a.      Maturity = whether or not spore is fully developed


b.      Longevity = how long (max) a spore can live


c.      Vitality = maximum germination capacity


d.      Endogenous substrates:  substrates that nourish spores during dormancy


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1.      Dormancy - any rest period or reversible interruption of the growth or development of the fungus


2.      Constitutional dormancy - germination is delayed by an innate property of the spore*


3.      Exogenous dormancy - development is delayed only because of one or more unfavorable chemical or physical conditions of the environment**


         *a)  Barriers to nutrient or water penetration

           b)  Some internal metabolic block

           c)  The production of a germination inhibitor

           d)  Loss of a germination promoter


** dessication, absence of light, substrate


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Other terms relating to spore dormancy


1.      Activation - the application of an environmental or chemical stimulus to the spore (constitutionally dormant) to induce germination.


2.      Maturation - the complex changes that must occur during spore development to produce a spore capable of dormancy and germination.


3.      After-ripening - the treatments which a fungal spore must undergo in nature before it may germinate.


4.      Germination - the resumption in the spore of normal metabolic processes that usually lead to the production of one or more germ tubes or buds.


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Germination Events


1.      Reduction of refractive index (probably due mainly to H2O uptake)


2.      Isotropic (nonpolar) growth of spore (probably due to both stretching of existing wall and some new wall synthesis


3.      Formation of a new cell wall inside of old cell wall


4.      Polar formation of new bud or germ tube (wall of new bud or germ tube usually formed by extension of new inner wall of spore)


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Documented Components* of Protein Synthesizing Apparatus in Spores


1.      Ribosomes**


2.      tRNA


3.      aminoacyl tRNA synthetase


4.      Transfer enzymes


5.      Elongation factors


6.      etc.


*all components seem to be active when assayed in vitro.


**only a few types of spores have been found to have polyribosomes in dormant situation.


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Evidence that Protein Synthesis is Essential for Germination


1.      Conidia and ascospore germination of N. crassa inhibited by cycloheximide (also many other spores)


2.      Conidia of ts mutants for protein synthesis of N. crassa will not form germ tubes (also many other species)


3.      Conidia of some amino acid auxotrophs of N. crassa & other fungi will not germinate in unsupplemented media


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Germination Categories of Spores


Group I = spores of most fungi in which the synthesis of RNA & protein appear to begin together, a short time after placement          in germination medium


Group II* = protein synthesis precedes RNA synthesis (preformed message & polysomes)


Group III** = RNA synthesis precedes protein synthesis


 *only a few examples

**very rare and not well documented



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