Norma Fowler and her research group

big bend field trip

We are plant population and community ecologists and plant conservation biologists, with research projects in plant demography, plant community structure and dynamics, fire ecology, rare and endangered plants, and non-native invasive plants.

Our research projects involve collecting and analyzing field data, analyzing GIS data, and constructing and using computer models of populations and communities. We work in many different Texas ecosystems, including the savannas, grasslands, and oak woodlands of the Edwards Plateau west of Austin, the savannas and grasslands east and north-east of Austin, the Chihuahuan desert, and the Tamaulipan thornscrub.

Research projects


Teaching and advising

This link includes some general advice for those planning to go to grad school. However, I am no longer taking new graduate students.

General interest

West Texas field trip July 2019: surveying cacti, other plants, visits with experts, and more

The WALL: bad for biodiversity!

Fowler et al. 2018. Border wall: bad for biodiversity      Traducción en español

UT press release on our publication on impacts of a Texas border wall, including interview with authors Fowler and Keitt

National Wildlife article with quotations National Wildlife magazine title image

Central Texas

An introduction to the vegetation and ecology of the eastern Edwards Plateau (Hill Country) of Texas

Central Texas vegetation: the role of fire (public talk given by Norma Fowler in 2009)

Bracted twistflower (Streptanthus bracteatus), a rare wildflower of central Texas

bastrop field trip

Norma Fowler's contact information:
office phone: 512-471-1295

Norma Fowler's entry in the IB directory

Department of Integrative Biology

Ecology, Evolution, and Behavior (EEB) graduate program

Plant Biology (PB) graduate program

University of Texas home page