Ant Identification



Mueller, U.G., T.A. Linksvayer. Microbiome breeding: Conceptual and practical issues. Trends in Microbiology 30: 997-1011. (pdf)

Senula, S.F., J.T. Scavetta, U.G. Mueller, J.N. Seal, K. Kellner. Cold adaptations along a range limit in an obligate symbiosis. Functional Ecology 36: 2267-2278. (pdf)


Mueller, U.G., T.E. Juenger, M.R. Kardish, A.L. Carlson, K.M. Burns, J.A. Edwards, C.C. Smith, C.-C. Fang, D.L. Des Marais. 2021. Artificial selection on microbiomes to breed microbiomes that confer salt tolerance to plants. mSystems 6: e01125-21. (pdf)


Mueller, U.G., T.E. Juenger, M.R. Kardish, A.L. Carlson, K. Burns, J.A. Edwards, C.C. Smith, C.-C. Fang, D.L. Des Marais. Artificial microbiome-selection to engineer microbiomes that confer salt-tolerance to plants. bioRxiv 081521.

Jones, P.L., T.J. Divoll, M.M. Dixon, D. Aparicio, G. Cohen, U.G. Mueller, M.J. Ryan, R.A. Page. Novel sensory ecology determined by DNA metabarcoding and behavior in the bat, Trachops cirrhosus. Behavioral Ecology 31: 1420–1428. (pdf).

Fang, C.-C., F.-H. Chang, P. Duong, J. Kurian, U.G. Mueller. 2020. Colony fitness and garden growth in the asexual fungus-growing ant Mycocepurus smithii (Attini, Formicidae). Insectes Sociaux 67: 35–49. (pdf)

Luiso, J., K. Kellner, A.E. Matthews, U.G. Mueller, J.N. Seal. 2020. High diversity and multiple invasions to North America by fungi grown by the northern-most Trachymyrmex and Mycetomoellerius ant species. Fungal Ecology 44: 100878. (pdf)


Smith, C.C., J. Weber, A.S. Mikheyev, F. Roces, M. Bollazzi, K. Kellner, J.N. Seal, U.G. Mueller. 2019. Landscape genomics of an obligate mutualism: concordant and discordant population structures between the leafcutter-ant Atta texana and its two main fungal symbiont types.  Molecular Ecology 28: 2831–2845. (pdf)

Fang, C.-C., U.G. Mueller. 2019. A new type of egg produced by foundress queens of Atta texana (Attini, Formicidae). Insectes Sociaux 66: 601–609. (pdf)

Hamilton, J., N. Holmes, S. Worsley, E. Patrick, N. Pierce, U. Mueller, J. Boomsma, B. Wilkinson, M. Hutchings. 2019. Genome mining of ant-associated bacteria to identify novel secondary metabolites. Access Microbiology 1: 1A

Solomon, S.E., C. Rabeling, J. Sosa-Calvo, C.T. Lopes, A. Rodrigues, H.L. Vasconcelos, M. Bacci Jr, U.G. Mueller, T.R. Schultz. 2019. The molecular phylogenetics of Trachymyrmex ants and their fungal cultivars provide insights into the origin and co-evolutionary history of "higher-attine" ant agriculture. Systematic Entomology 44: 939–956. (pdf)

Senula, S.F., J.T. Scavetta, J.A. Banta, U.G. Mueller, J.N. Seal, K. Kellner. 2020. Potential distribution of six North American higher-attine fungus-farming ant (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) species. Journal of Insect Science 19: 24. (pdf)


Mueller, U.G., M.R. Kardish, H.D. Ishak, A.M. Wright, S.E. Solomon, S.M. Bruschi, A.L. Carlson, M. Bacci Jr. 2018. Phylogenetic patterns of ant-fungus associations indicate that farming strategies, not only a superior fungal cultivar, explain the ecological success of leafcutter ants. Molecular Ecology 27: 2414–2434. (pdf)

Kellner, K., M.R. Kardish, J.N. Seal, T.A. Linksvayer, U.G. Mueller. 2018. Symbiont-mediated host-parasite dynamics in a fungus-gardening ant. Microbial Ecology 76: 530–543.  doi: (pdf)


Carlson, A.L., H.D. Ishak, J. Kurian, A.S. Mikheyev, I. Gifford, U.G. Mueller. 2017. Nuclei populations of the multinucleate fungus of leafcutter ants can be dekaryotized and re-combined to manipulate growth of nutritive hyphal nodules harvested by the ants. Mycologia 109: 832-846. (pdf)

Mueller, U.G., H.D. Ishak, S.M. Bruschi, C.C. Smith, J.J. Herman, S.E. Solomon, A.S. Mikheyev, C. Rabeling, J.J. Scott, M. Cooper, A. Rodrigues, A. Ortiz, C.R.F. Brandão, J.E. Lattke, F.C. Pagnocca, S.A. Rehner, T.R. Schultz, H.L. Vasconcelos, R.M.M. Adams, M. Bollazzi, R.M. Clark, A.G. Himler, J.S. LaPolla, I.R. Leal, R.A. Johnson, F. Roces, J. Sosa-Calvo, R. Wirth, M. Bacci Jr. 2017. Biogeography of mutualistic fungi cultivated by leafcutter ants. Molecular Ecology 26: 6921–6937. (pdf)

Smith, C.C., R.B. Srygley, F. Healy, K. Swaminath, U.G. Mueller. 2017. Spatial structure of the Mormon cricket gut microbiome and its predicted contribution to nutrition and immune function. Frontiers in Microbiology 8: 801. (pdf)

Amador-Vargas, S., U.G. Mueller.  2017. Ability to reorient is weakly correlated with central-place versus non-central-place foraging in acacia ants. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 71: 43. (pdf)

Phillips, Z.I., M.M. Zhang, U.G. Mueller. 2017. Dispersal of Attaphila fungicola, a symbiotic cockroach of leafcutter ants. Insectes Sociaux 64: 277–284. (pdf)  

Smith, C.C., R.B. Srygley, E.I. Dietrich, U.G. Mueller. 2017. Partitioning the effects of mating and nuptial gift consumption on the gut microbiome in gift-giving insects. Environmental Microbiology Reports 9: 104–112. (pdf)

DeMilto, A.M., M. Rouquette Jr., U.G. Mueller, K. Kellner, J.N. Seal. 2017. Effects of substrate, ant and fungal species on plant fiber degradation in a fungus-gardening ant symbiosis. Journal of Insect Physiology 98: 301–308. (pdf)


Meirelles, L.A., Q.S. McFrederick, A. Rodrigues, J.D. Mantovani, C. de Melo Rodovalho, H. Ferreira, M. Bacci Jr., U.G. Mueller. 2016. Bacterial microbiomes from vertically-transmitted fungal inocula of the leaf-cutting ant Atta texanaEnvironmental Microbiology Reports 8: 630–640. (pdf)

McFrederick, Q.S., J.M. Thomas, J.L. Neff, H.Q. Vuong, K.A. Russell, A.R. Hale, U.G. Mueller. 2017. Flowers and wild megachilid bees share microbes. Microbial Ecology 73: 188-200. (pdf

Ma, R., U.G. Mueller, J. Rangel. 2016. Assessing the role of β-ocimene in regulating foraging behavior of the honey bee, Apis melliferaApidology 47: 135–144. (pdf)

Mueller, U.G., J.L. Sachs. 2016. Engineering microbiomes to improve plant and animal health. Trends in Microbiology 23: 606–617. (pdf)


Smith, C., U.G. Mueller. 2015. Sexual transmission of beneficial microbes. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 30: 438–440. (pdf)

Kardish, M.R., U.G. Mueller, S. Amador-Vargas, E.I. Dietrich, R. Ma, B. Barrett, C.C. Fang. 2015. Blind trust in unblinded observation in Ecology, Evolution, and Behavior. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 3: 51. (pdf)

Amador-Vargas, S., W. Gronenberg, W.T. Wcislo, U.G. Mueller. 2015. Specialization and group size: brain and behavioural correlates of colony size in ants lacking morphological castes. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 282(1801): 20142502. (pdf)

Meirelles, L.A., S.E. Solomon, M. Bacci Jr, A.M. Wright, U.G. Mueller, A. Rodrigues. 2015. Shared Escovopsis parasites between leaf-cutting and non-leaf-cutting ants in the higher-attine fungus-growing ant symbiosis. Royal Society Open Science 2: 150257. (pdf)

Kellner, K., H.D. Ishak, T.A. Linksvayer, U.G. Mueller. 2015. Bacterial community composition and diversity in an ancestral ant fungus symbiosis. FEMS Microbiology Ecology 91: 1-10 fiv073. (pdf)  

Marti, H.E., A.L. Carlson, B.V. Brown, U.G. Mueller. 2015. Foundress queen mortality and early colony growth of the leafcutter ant, Atta texana (Formicidae, Hymenoptera). Insectes Sociaux 62: 357–363. (pdf)

Adams R.M.M., T.H. Jones, J.T. Longino, R.G. Weatherford, U.G. Mueller. 2015. Alkaloid venom weaponry of three Megalomyrmexthief ants and the behavioral response of Cyphomyrmex costatus host ants. Journal of Chemical Ecology 41: 373–385. (pdf)

Seal, J.N., U.G. Mueller. 2015. Gone to Texas: phylogeography of two Trachymyrmex (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) species along the southeastern coastal plain of North America. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 114: 689–698. (pdf)

Mueller, U.G. 2015. The attine ant-fungus mutualism. Pp 78-79 in J.L. Bronstein (ed.), Mutualism. Oxford University Press, Oxford, UK. (pdf)

Schultz, T.R., J. Sosa-Calvo, S.G. Brady, C.T. Lopes, U.G. Mueller, M. Bacci Jr., H.L. Vasconcelos. 2015. The most relictual fungus-farming ant species cultivates the most recently evolved and most highly domesticated fungal symbiont species. American Naturalist 185: 693–703. (pdf)


McFrederick, Q.S., U.G. Mueller, R.R. James. 2014. Interactions between fungi and bacteria influence microbial community structure in the Megachile rotundata larval gut. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 281: 20132653. (pdf)

McFrederick, Q.S., W. Wcislo, M. Hout, U.G. Mueller. 2014. Host species and developmental stage, but not host social-structure, affects bacterial community structure in socially polymorphic bees. FEMS Microbiology Ecology 88: 398–406. (pdf)

Seal, J.N., U.G. Mueller. 2014. Instability of novel ant-fungal associations constrains horizontal exchange of fungal symbionts.Evolutionary Ecology 28: 157–176. (pdf)

Seal, J.N., M. Schiøtt, U.G. Mueller. 2014. Ant-fungal species combinations engineer physiological activity of fungus gardens.Journal of Experimental Biology 217: 2540–2547. (pdf)

Shik, J.Z., J. Santos, J.N. Seal, A. Kay, U.G. Mueller, M. Kaspari. 2014. Metabolism and the rise of fungus cultivation by ants.American Naturalist 184: 364–373. (pdf)


McFrederick, Q.S., J.J. Cannone, R.R. Gutell, K. Kellner, R.M. Plowes, U.G. Mueller. 2013. Host specificity between Hymenoptera and lactobacilli is the exception rather than the rule. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 79: 1803–1812. (pdf)

Rog, S., M.J. Ryan, U.G. Mueller, K.P. Lampert. 2013. Evidence for morphological and genetic diversification of túngara frog populations on islands. Herpetological Conservation and Biology 8: 228–239. (pdf)

Kellner K., H. Fernández-Marín, H.D. Ishak, R. Sen, T.A. Linksvayer, U.G. Mueller. 2013. Co-evolutionary patterns and diversification of ant–fungus associations in the asexual fungus-farming ant Mycocepurus smithii in Panama. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 26: 1353–1362. (pdf)

Mikheyev, A.S., C.S. McBride, U.G. Mueller, C. Parmesan, M.R. Smee, C. Stefanescu, B. Wee, M.C. Singer. 2013. Host-associated genomic differentiation in congeneric butterflies: now you see it, now you don’t. Molecular Ecology 22: 4753–4766. (pdf)


Seal, J.N., U.G. Mueller. 2015. Gone to Texas: phylogeography of two Trachymyrmex (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) species along the southeastern coastal plain of North America. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 114: 689–698. (pdf)

Mueller, U.G. 2015. The attine ant-fungus mutualism. Pp 78-79 in J.L. Bronstein (ed.), Mutualism. Oxford University Press, Oxford, UK. (pdf)

Mueller, U.G. 2012. Symbiont recruitment versus ant-symbiont co-evolution in the attine ant-microbe symbiosis. Current Opinion in Microbiology in press. doi: 10.1016/j.mib.2012.03.001 (pdf)

Mehdiabadi, N.J, U.G. Mueller, S.G. Brady, T.R. Schultz. 2012. Symbiont fidelity and the origin of species in fungus-growing ants. Nature Communications 3:840 (pdf)

Ishak, H.D., J.L. Miller, R. Sen, S.E. Dowd, E. Meyer, U.G. Mueller. 2012.
Microbiomes of ant castes implicate new microbial roles in the fungus-growing ant Trachymyrmex septentrionalis. Scientific Reports 1: 204. (pdf)

Dayo-Owoyemi, I., A. Rodrigues, M.F. Landell, P. Valente, U.G. Mueller, J.
P. Ramos, F.C. Pagnocca. 2012. Intraspecific variation and emendation of Hannaella kunmingensis. Mycological Progress in press. (pdf)

McFrederick, Q.S., W.T. Wcislo, D.R. Taylor, H.D. Ishak, S.E. Dowd, U.G.
Mueller. 2012. Environment or kin: whence do bees obtain acidophilic bacteria? Molecular Ecology in press. (pdf)


Mueller, U.G., A.S. Mikheyev, E. Hong, R. Sen, D.L. Warren, S.E. Solomon, H.D. Ishak, M. Cooper, J.L. Miller, K.A. Shaffer, T.E. Juenger. 2011. Evolution of cold-tolerant fungal symbionts permits winter fungiculture by leafcutter ants at the northern frontier of a tropical ant-fungus symbiosis. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 108: 4053-4056.  doi: 10.1073/pnas.1015806108 (pdf)

Rabeling, C., O. Gonzales, T.R. Schultz, M. Bacci Jr., M.V.B. Garcia, M. Verhaagh, H. Ishak, U.G. Mueller. 2011. Cryptic sexual populations account for genetic diversity and ecological success in a widely distributed, parthenogenetic fungus-growing ant. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 108(30): 12366-12371.
doi: 10.1073/pnas.1105467108 (pdf)

Mueller, U.G., A.S. Mikheyev, S.E. Solomon, M. Cooper. 2011. Frontier mutualism: Co-evolutionary patterns at the northern range limit of the leafcutter ant-fungus symbiosis. Proceedings of the Royal Society London B 278: 3050-3059. 
doi: 10.1098/rspb.2011.0125 (pdf)

Rodrigues, A., U.G. Mueller, H.D. Ishak, M. Bacci Jr., F.C. Pagnocca. 2011. Ecology of microfungal communities in gardens of fungus-growing ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae): A year-long survey of three species of attine ants in Central Texas. FEMS Microbiology Ecology in press. doi: 10.1111/j.1574-6941.2011.01152.x (pdf)

Abbot, P., J. Abe, S.Alizon, J.A.C. Alpedrinha, M. Andersson, J.-B. Andre, M. van Baalen, F. Balloux, M. Beekman, L.W. Beukeboom, J. Biernaskie, T. Bilde, M. Breed, R. Bshary, N.T. Burley, M.N. Burton-Chellew, M.A. Cant, M. Chapuisat, E.L Charnov, T. Clutton-Brock, A. Cockburn, B.J. Cole, C.K. Cornwallis, L. Cosmides, I.D. Couzin, J.A. Coyne, B. Crespi, R.L. Curry, S.R.X. Dall, T. Day, L.A. Dugatkin, C. El Mouden, S.T. Emlen, J. Evans, J. Field, S. Foitzik, K. Foster, W.A. Foster, C. Fox, J. Gadau, S. Gandon, A. Gardner, M.G. Gardner, T. Getty, M. Goodisman, A.S. Griffin, R. Grosberg, C.M. Grozinger, P.-H. Gouyon, D. Gwynne, B.J. Hatchwell, J. Heinze, H. Helantera, K.R. Helms, K. Hill, W. Hughes, R.A. Johnstone, L. Keller, E.T. Kiers, H. Kokko, J. Komdeur, J. Korb, D. Kronauer, R. Kümmerli, L. Lehmann, T.A. Linksvayer, S. Lion, B. Lyon, J.A.R. Marshall, Y. Michalakis, R.E. Michod, D. Mock, T. Monnin, R. Montgomerie, A.J. Moore, U.G. Mueller, R. Noë, S. Okasha, B. Oldroyd, P. Pamilo, G.A. Parker, I. Pen, J.S. Pedersen, D. Pfennig, D.C. Queller, D.J. Rankin, F. Ratnieks, S.E. Reece, H.K. Reeve, M. Reuter, G. Roberts, S. Robson, D. Roze, F. Rousset, O. Rueppell, J. Sachs, P. Schmid-Hempel, M.P. Schwarz, B. Strassmann, J.E. Strassmann, D.M. Shuker, J. Smith, A. Suarez, L. Sundström, M. Taborsky, P. Taylor, G. Thompson, J. Tooby, R. Trivers, N. Tsutsui, K. Tsuji, S. Turillazzi, F. Úbeda, E. Vargo, T. Wenseleers, S.A. West, M.J. West-Eberhard, D.F. Westneat, D.C. Wiernasz, G. Wild, R. Wrangham, A.J. Young, D.W. Zeh, J.A. Zeh. 2011. Inclusive fitness theory and eusociality. (Brief Communications, arising from M.A. Nowak, C.E. Tarnita, E.O. Wilson Nature 466, 1057–1062, 2010). Nature 471: E1-E4. (pdf)

Yek, S.-H., U.G. Mueller. 2011. The metapleural gland of ants. Biological Reviews 91: 201-224. doi: 0.1111/j.1469-185X.2010.00170.x (pdf)

Solomon, S.E., C.T. Lopes, U.G. Mueller, A. Rodrigues, J. Sosa-Calvo, T.R. Schultz, H.L. Vasconcelos. 2011. Nesting biology and fungiculture of the fungus-growing ant Mycetagroicus cerradensis: New light on the origin of higher-attine agriculture. Journal of Insect Science 11:12.  available online: (pdf)

Ishak, H.D., R. Plowes, R. Sen, K. Kellner, E. Meyer, D.A. Estrada, S.E. Dowd, U.G. Mueller. 2011. Bacterial diversity in Solenopsis invicta and Solenopsis geminata ant colonies characterized by 16S amplicon 454 pyrosequencing. Microbial Ecology 61: 821-831.  doi: 10.1007/s00248-010-9793-4. (pdf)

Klein, B.A., A. Klein, M.K. Wray, U.G. Mueller, T.D. Seeley. 2010. Sleep deprivation impairs precision of waggle dance signaling in honey bees. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 107(52): 22705-22709.  doi: 10.1073/pnas.1009439108 (pdf)

Mueller, U.G., J.J. Scott, H.D. Ishak, M. Cooper, A. Rodrigues. 2010. Monoculture in leafcutter ant gardens. PLoS One 5(9): e12668. (pdf)

Mikheyev, A.S., U.G. Mueller, P. Abbott. 2010. Comparative dating of attine ant and lepiotaceous cultivar phylogenies reveals co-evolutionary synchrony and discord. American Naturalist 175: E126-E133. (pdf)

Sen, R., H.D. Ishak, T.R. Kniffin, U.G. Mueller. 2010. Construction of chimaeric gardens through fungal intercropping: a symbiont choice experiment in the leafcutter ant Atta texana (Attini, Formicidae). Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 64: 1125-1133. (pdf)

Mueller, U.G., H. Ishak, J.C. Lee, R. Sen, R.R. Gutell. 2010. Placement of attine ant-associated Pseudonocardia in a global Pseudonocardia phylogeny (Pseudonocardiaceae, Actinomycetales):  a test of two symbiont-association models. Antonie van Leeuwenhoek 98: 195-212 (Festschrift issue in honor of Mike Goodfellow). (pdf)

Choo, J., H.D. Ishak, H., T.E. Juenger, U.G. Mueller, B.B. Simpson. 2010. Characterization of 14 microsatellite loci in a tropical palm Attalea phalerata (Arecaceae). American Journal of Botany. 97 (11): e105-e106.  doi: 10.3732/ajb.1000281 (pdf)

Mueller, U.G., A. Ortiz, M. Bacci. 2010. Planting of fungus onto hibernating workers of the fungus-growing ant Mycetosoritis clorindae (Attini, Formicidae). Insectes Sociaux 57: 209-215. (pdf)

Sen, R., U.G. Mueller. 2010. Mycocepurus smithii, a sex-less male-less society. Resonance (May 2010): 459-461. (short review article). (pdf)

De Fine Licht, H. H., M. Schiøtt, U.G. Mueller, J.J. Boomsma. 2010. Evolutionary transitions in enzyme activity of ant fungus gardens. Evolution 64: 2055–2069. (pdf)

Sen, R., H.D. Ishak, D. Estrada, S.E. Dowd, E. Hong, U.G. Mueller. 2009. Generalized antifungal activity and 454-screening of Pseudonocardia and Amycolatopsis bacteria in nests of fungus-growing ants. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 106: 17805-17810. (pdf)

Rabeling, C. J. Lino-Neto, S.C. Cappellari, I.A. Dos-Santos, U.G. Mueller, M. Bacci. 2009. Thelytokous parthenogenesis in the fungus-gardening ant Mycocepurus smithii (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). PLoS One 4(8): e6781. (pdf)

Himler, A.G., E.J. Caldera, B.C. Baer, H. Fernández-Marín, U.G. Mueller. 2009. No sex in fungus-farming ants or their crops. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B 276: 2611-2616. (pdf)

Bacci, M., S.E. Solomon, U.G. Mueller, V.G. Martins, A.O.R. Carvalho, L.G.E. Vieira, A.C.O. Silva-Pinhati. 2009. Phylogeny of leafcutter ants in the genus Atta Fabricius (Formicidae: Attini) based on mitochondrial and nuclear DNA sequences. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 51: 427-437. (pdf)

Rodrigues, A., R.N. Cable, U.G. Mueller, M. Bacci, F.C. Pagnocca. 2009. Antagonistic interactions between garden yeasts and microfungal garden pathogens of leaf-cutting ants. Antonie van Leeuwenhoek 96: 331-342. (pdf)

Smith, C., C. Smith, U.G. Mueller, J. Gadau. 2009. Ant genomics: Strength and diversity in numbers. Molecular Ecology 19: 31-35. (pdf)

Scott, J.J, M. Kweskin, M. Cooper, U.G. Mueller. 2009. Polymorphic microsatellite markers for the symbiotic fungi cultivated by leaf-cutter ants (Attini, Formicidae). Molecular Ecology Resources 9: 1391-1394. (pdf)

Baer, B, M.B. Dijkstra, U.G. Mueller, D.R. Nash, J.J. Boomsma. 2009. Sperm length evolution in the fungus-growing ants. Behavioral Ecology 20: 38-45. (pdf)

Vo, T.L., A.S. Mikheyev, U.G. Mueller. 2009. Free-living fungal symbionts (Lepiotaceae) of fungus-growing ants (Attini: Formicidae). Mycologia 101: 206-210. (pdf)

Biani, N.B., U.G. Mueller, W.T. Wcislo. 2009. Cleaner mites: sanitary mutualism in the miniature ecosystem of Megalopta bee nests. American Naturalist 173: 841-847. (pdf)

Solomon, S.E., M. Bacci, J. Martins, G. Gonçalves Vinha, U.G. Mueller. 2008. Paleodistributions and comparative molecular phylogeography of leafcutter ants (Atta spp.) provide new insight into the origins of Amazonian diversity. PLoS One 3: e2738. (pdf)

Mueller, U.G., C. Rabeling. 2008. A breakthrough innovation in animal evolution. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 105: 5287-5288. (pdf)

Mueller, U.G., D. Dash, C. Rabeling, A. Rodrigues. 2008. Coevolution between attine ants and actinomycete bacteria: a reevaluation. Evolution 62: 2894-2912. (pdf)

Mikheyev, A.S., T. Vo, U.G. Mueller. 2008. Phylogeography of post-Pleistocene population expansion in a fungus-gardening ant and its microbial mutualists. Molecular Ecology 17: 4480-4488. (pdf)

Rodrigues, A., M. Bacci, U.G. Mueller, A. Ortiz, F.C. Pagnocca. 2008. Microfungal “weeds” in the leafcutter ant symbiosis. Microbial Ecology 56: 604-614. (pdf)

Mikheyev, A.S., U.G. Mueller, J.J. Boomsma. 2007. Population-genetic signatures of diffuse coevolution between Panamanian leaf-cutter ants and their cultivar fungi.  Molecular Ecology 16: 209-216. (pdf)

Martins, J., S.E. Solomon, A.S. Mikheyev, U.G. Mueller, A.Ortiz, M. Bacci.  2007.  Nuclear mitochondrial-like sequences in ants: evidence from Atta cephalotes (Formicidae: Attini). Insect Molecular Biology 16: 777-784. (pdf)

Mikheyev, A.S., U.G. Mueller. 2007. Genetic relationships between native and introduced populations of the little fire ant Wasmannia auropunctata. Diversity and Distributions 13: 573-579. (pdf)

Lampert, K.P, X.E. Bernal, A.S. Rand, U.G. Mueller, M.J. Ryan. 2007. Island populations of Physalaemus pustulosus: history influences genetic diversity and morphology. Herpetologica 63: 311-319. (pdf)

Rabeling, C., S.P. Cover, R.A. Johnson, U.G. Mueller.  2007. A review of the North American species of the fungus-gardening ant genus Trachymyrmex (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Zootaxa 1664: 1-53. (pdf)

Gerardo, N.M., U.G. Mueller, C.R. Currie. 2006. Complex host-pathogen coevolution in the Apterostigma fungus-growing ant-microbe symbiosis. BMC Evolutionary Biology 6: 88-96. (pdf)

Mikheyev, S.A., U.G. Mueller, P. Abbott. 2006. Cryptic sex and many-to-one co-evolution in the fungus-growing ant symbiosis. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 103: 10702-10706. (pdf)

Gerardo, N.M., S.R. Jacobs, C.R. Currie, U.G. Mueller. 2006. Ancient host-pathogen associations maintained by specificity of chemotaxis and antibiosis. PLOS Biology 8: 1358-1363. (pdf)

Mehdiabadi, N.J., B. Hughes, U.G. Mueller. 2006. Cooperation, conflict, and coevolution in the attine ant-fungus symbiosis. Behavioral Ecology 17: 291-296. (pdf)

Lampert, K., X. Bernal, A.S. Rand, U.G. Mueller & M.J. Ryan. 2006.  No evidence for female mate choice based on genetic similarity in the túngara frog, Physalaemus pustulosusBehavioral Ecology 59: 798-804. (pdf)

Pröhl, H., R. Koshy, U.G. Mueller, A.S. Rand, M.J. Ryan. 2006. Geographic variation of genetic and behavioral traits in northern and southern túngara frogs.  Evolution 60: 1669-1679. (pdf)

Advani, N.K., U.G. Mueller. 2006. A preference assay for quantifying symbiont choice in fungus-growing ants (Attini: Formicidae).  Insectes Sociaux 53: 446-455. (pdf)

Rabeling, C., M. Verhaagh, U.G. Mueller. 2006. Behavioral ecology and natural history of Blepharidatta brasiliensis (Formicidae, Blepharidattini). Insectes Sociaux 53: 300-306. (pdf)

Mikheyev, A.S., U.G. Mueller. 2006. Invasive species: customs intercepts reveal what makes a good ant stowaway.  Current Biology 16: R129-131. (pdf)

Mueller, U.G., N.M. Gerardo, D.K. Aanen, D.L. Six, T.R. Schultz. 2005. The evolution of agriculture in insects. Annual Review of Ecology, Evolution, and Systematics 36: 563-569. (pdf)

Schultz, T.R., U.G. Mueller, C.R. Currie, S.A. Rehner. 2005. Reciprocal illumination: A comparison of agriculture of humans and ants. Pages 149-190 in Insect-Fungal Associations: Ecology and Evolution, ed. F. Vega, M Blackwell. New York: Oxford University Press. 352 pages. (pdf)

Schultz, T.R., U.G. Mueller, C.R. Currie, S.A. Rehner. 2005. Reciprocal illumination: A comparison of agriculture of humans and in fungus-growing ants. Pages 149-190 in Insect-Fungal Association: Ecology and Evolution, ed. F. Vega, M. Blackwell. New York: Oxford University Press. (pdf)

Little, A.E.F. T. Murakami, U.G. Mueller, C.R. Currie. 2006. Defending against parasites: fungus-growing ants combine specialized behaviours and microbial symbionts to protect fungus gardens. Biology Letters 2: 12-16. (pdf)

Sachs, J., U.G. Mueller, T.P. Wilcox, J.J. Bull. 2004. The evolution of cooperation. Quarterly Review of Biology 79: 135-160. (pdf)

Gerardo, N.M., C.R. Currie, S.L. Price, U.G. Mueller. 2004. Exploitation of a mutualism: specialization of fungal parasites on cultivars in the attine ant symbiosis. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B 271: 1791-1798. (pdf)

Munkacsi, A., P. Villesen, U.G. Mueller, D. McLaughlin. 2004. Convergent coevolution in the domestication of coral mushrooms by fungus-growing ants. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B 271:1777-1782. (pdf)

Mueller, U.G., J. Poulin, R.M.M. Adams. 2004. Symbiont choice in a fungus-growing ant (Attini, Formicidae). Behavioral Ecology 15: 357-364. (pdf)

Solomon, S.E., U.G. Mueller, T.R. Schultz, C.R. Currie, S.L. Price, A.C. Oliveira da Silva-Pinhati, M. Bacci, H.L. Vasconcelos. 2004. Nesting biology of the fungus-growing ant Mycetarotes Emery (Attini, Formicidae).  Insectes Sociaux 51: 333-338. (pdf)

Villesen P., U.G. Mueller, T.R. Schultz, R.M.M. Adams, A.C. Bouk. 2004. Evolution of ant-cultivar specialization and cultivar switching in Apterostigma fungus-growing ants. Evolution 58: 2252-2265. (pdf)

Currie, C.R., B. Wong, A.E. Stuart, T.R. Schultz, S.A. Rehner, U.G. Mueller, G.-H. Sung, J.W. Spatafora, N.A.Straus. 2003. Ancient tripartite coevolution in the attine ant–microbe symbiosis. Science 299: 386-388. (pdf)

Mehdiabadi, N.J., H.K. Reeve, U.G. Mueller. 2003. Sex-ratio conflict in the social Hymenoptera. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 18: 88-93. (pdf)

Lampert, K.,  S. Rand, U.G. Mueller, M. Ryan. 2003. Fine scale genetic pattern and evidence for male-biased dispersal in the túngara frog, Physalaemus pustulosus. Molecular Ecology 12: 3325-3334. (pdf)

Dearborn, D.C., A.D. Anders, E.A. Schreiber, R.M.M. Adams, U.G. Mueller. 2003. Inter-island movements and population differentiation in a pelagic seabird. Molecular Ecology 12: 2835-2843. (pdf)

Little, A., T. Murakami, U.G. Mueller, C. R. Currie. 2003. The infrabuccal pellet piles of fungus-growing ants. Naturwissenschaften 90: 558-562. (pdf)

Price, S.L., T. Murakami, U.G. Mueller, T.R. Schultz, C.R. Currie. 2003. Recent findings in fungus-growing ants: evolution, ecology, and behavior of a complex microbial symbiosis. Pages 255-280 in: Genes, Behavior, and Evolution of Social Insects (T. Kikuchi, N. Azuma, and S. Higashi, eds.), Hokkaido University Press, Sapporo, Japan. (pdf)

Sanchez-Peña, S., D. Davis, U.G. Mueller. 2003. A gregarious, mycophagous, myrmecophilous moth, Amydria anceps Walsingham (Lepidoptera: Acrolophidae), living in Atta mexicana (F. Smith) (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) spent fungal culture accumulations. Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington 105: 186-194. (pdf)

LaPolla, J.S., S.P. Cover, U.G. Mueller. 2003. Natural history of the mealybug-tending ant, Acropyga epedana, with descriptions of the male and queen castes. Transactions of the American Entomological Society 128: 367-376. (pdf)

Mueller, U.G., N. Gerardo.  2002. Fungus-farming insects: Multiple origins and diverse evolutionary histories. Proceedings National Academy of Sciences 99: 15247-15249. (pdf)

Mueller, U.G. 2002. Ant versus fungus versus mutualism: ant-cultivar conflict and the deconstruction of the attine ant-fungus symbiosis. American Naturalist 160: S67-S98. (pdf)

Pröhl, H., R.M. Adams, U.G. Mueller, S. Rand, M. Ryan. 2002. Polymerase chain reaction primers for polymorphic microsatellite loci from the túngara frog Physalaemus  pustulosus. Molecular Ecology Notes 2: 341-343. (pdf)

Green, A., R.M. Adams, U.G. Mueller. 2002. Extensive exchange of fungal cultivars between two sympatric species of fungus-growing ants. Molecular Ecology 11: 191-195. (pdf)

LaPolla, J.S., U.G. Mueller, M. Seid, S. Cover. 2002. Predation by the army ant Neivamyrmex rugulosus on the fungus-growing ant Trachymyrmex arizonensis. Insectes Sociaux 49: 251-256. (pdf)

Schultz, T. R., S. A. Solomon, U. G. Mueller, P. Villesen, J. J. Boomsma, R. M. M. Adams, and B. Norden. 2002.  Cryptic speciation in the fungus-growing ant Cyphomyrmex longiscapus Weber and Cyphomyrmex muelleri Schultz and Solomon, new species (Formicidae: Attini). Insectes Sociaux 49: 331-343. (pdf)

Sanchez-Peña, S., U.G. Mueller. 2002. A nocturnal raid of army ants on leaf-cutting ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Southwestern Entomologist 27: 221-223. (pdf)

Mueller, U.G., T.R. Schultz, C. Currie, R. Adams, D. Malloch. 2001.The origin of the attine ant-fungus symbiosis. Quarterly Review of Biology 76: 169-197. (pdf)

Kane, M.D., U.G. Mueller. 2001. Insights from insect-microbe symbioses. Pages 289-313 in J.T. Staley, A.-L. Reysenbach (Eds), Biodiversity of Microbial Life: Foundation of Earth’s Biosphere. John Wiley and Sons. (pdf)

Adams, R.M., U.G. Mueller, A.M. Green, J.M. Narozniak. 2000. Garden sharing and garden stealing in fungus-growing ants. Naturwissenschaften 87: 491-493. (pdf)

Adams, R.M, U.G. Mueller, T.R. Schultz, B. Norden. 2000. Agro-predation: usurpation of attine fungus gardens by Megalomyrmex ants. Naturwissenschaften 87: 549-554. (pdf)

Currie, C., U.G. Mueller, D. Malloch. 1999. The agricultural pathology of ant fungus gardens. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 96: 7992-7995. (pdf)

Herre, E.A., N. Knowlton, U.G. Mueller, S.A. Rehner. 1999. The evolution of mutualisms: exploring the paths between conflict and cooperation. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 14: 49-53. (pdf)

Mueller, U.G., L. Wolfenbarger. 1999. AFLP genotyping and fingerprinting. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 14: 389-394. (pdf)

Villesen, P., P. Gertsch, U.G. Mueller, J.J. Boomsma. 1999. Evolutionary transition from single to multiple mating in fungus-growing ants. Molecular Ecology 8: 1819-1825. (pdf)

Wang, Y., U.G. Mueller, J.C. Clardy. 1999. Antifungal diketopiperazines from the symbiotic fungus of the fungus-growing ant Cyphomyrmex minutus. Journal of Chemical Ecology 25: 935-941. (pdf)

Mueller, U.G., S.A. Rehner, T.D. Schultz. 1998.  The evolution of agriculture in ants. Science 281: 2034-2038. (pdf) (See also Perspectus by Jared Diamond “Ants, Crops, and History” in same issue, pp.1974-1975.)

Mueller, U.G., W. Wcislo. 1998.  Nesting biology of the fungus-growing ant Cyphomyrmex longiscapus Weber (Attini, Formicidae).  Insectes Sociaux45: 181-189. (pdf)

Mueller, U.G. 1997.  Life history and social evolution of the primitively eusocial bee Augochlorella striata (Hymenoptera: Halictidae).Journal of the Kansas Entomological Society 69: 116-138. (pdf)

Mueller, U.G., S.E. Lipari, M.G. Milgroom. 1996.  Amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) fingerprinting of fungi cultured by the fungus-growing ant Cyphomyrmex minutus. Molecular Ecology 5: 119-122. (pdf)

Wcislo, E.T., B.N. Danforth, U.G. Mueller. 1995. In memoriam George Campbell Eickwort. Insectes Sociaux 41: 461-463. (pdf)

Chapela, I.H., S.A. Rehner, T.D. Schultz, U.G. Mueller. 1994.  Evolutionary history of the symbiosis between fungus-growing ants and their fungi. Science 266: 1691-1694. (pdf)

Mueller, U.G., D. Dearing. 1994. Predation and avoidance of tough leaves by aquatic larvae of the moth Parapoynx rugosalisEcological Entomology 19: 155-158. (abstract)

Mueller, U.G., G.C. Eickwort, C.F. Aquadro.  1994.  DNA fingerprinting analysis of parent-offspring conflict in a bee. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 91: 5143-5147. (pdf)

Mueller, U.G., T.D. Eisner. 1994.  The role of museums. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 9: 64.

Mueller, U.G. 1993. Haplodiploidy and the evolution of facultative sex ratios in a primitively eusocial bee. PhD Thesis, Cornell University.

Mueller, U.G., B. Wolf-Mueller. 1993. A non-invasive method for aging bees: Age-dependent progression of wing wear in the wool-carder bee Anthidium manicatum (Hymenoptera: Megachilidae). Journal of Insect Behavior 6: 529-537. (pdf)

Mueller, U.G., A. Warneke, T.U. Grafe, P. Ode . 1992. Female size and nest defense in the digger wasp Cerceris fumipennis (Sphecidae). Journal of the Kansas Entomological Society 65: 44-52. (pdf)

Borgia, G., U.G. Mueller. 1992. Bower destruction, decoration stealing, and female choice in the spotted bowerbird Chlamydera maculata. Emu 92: 11-18.

Mueller, U.G. 1991. Haplodiploidy and the evolution of facultative sex ratios in a primitively eusocial bee. Science 254: 442-444. (pdf)

Mueller, U.G., B. Wolf-Mueller. 1991. Epiphyll deterrence to the leafcutter ant Atta cephalotes. Oecologia 86: 36-39. (pdf)

Johnston, R.E., U.G. Mueller. 1990. Olfactory but not vomeronasal mediation of scent marking by male golden hamsters. Physiology and Behavior 48: 701-706.

Johnston, R.E., C.D. Pfeiffer, U.G. Mueller. 1987. Roles of the vomeronasal and olfactory system in mediating hormonal responses and communicative behaviors in golden hamsters. Chemical Senses 12: 668-669.