When did hominids first walk the earth?

What are some examples of convergent evolution from the articles?

“Lucy” was a member of which species?

Where is the cradle of hominid creation?

How was it discovered that Neanderthals had red hair?

What was the name of the small hominid recently discovered?  Where was it discovered?  Which species is it purported to be most closely related to?  What is thought to have led to its extinction?

According to one of the articles, what are the most important evolutionary events of the last 5,000 years?

Which group of organisms does Dr. Ed Theriot work with at the University of Texas at Austin?

What is the origin of the name of the fossil found in China that you read about?

In article #23, what was meant from the quote "small things came first?"

In which type of marine environments are many of these "new" species coming from?  Which types of organisms are most likely to found that are new species?

What is the "out of Africa" hypothesis?  Are there any alternatives?

What genetic data is used to estimate the relationships of human populations?