Instructor: Dr Donald A. Levin
(Section of Integrative Biology, UT)
Office: Biological Laboratories 204.
Office hours: T/TH, 10:30 - 11:30pm
Telephone: 471-4685

Main parts of the course


       Class Articles

  1. NYT: New Species Revealed: Tiny Cousins of Humans
  2. One Giant Step for Mankind (with pictures)
    One Giant Step for Mankind (text only)
  3. NYT: Storm in Mexico Devastates Monarch Butterfly Colonies

  4. NYT: When HIV. Made Its Jump to People

  5. Repeated Blows
    Repeated Blows (text only)
  6. New York Times Article: Desire for Sons Drives Use of Prenatal Scans in China
  7. Dorothy, It's Really Oz
  8. Australia's Rabbits Face All-Out Viral Attack
  9. Ten Years of the Chornobyl Era
  10. Rain Forest Primeval? Colorado fossils show unexpected diversity
  11. Time Article: Father of Us All?
  12. Time Article: The Ozone Vanishes
  13. Science Article: If the Mercury Soars, So May Health Hazards
  14. Scientific American: Skin Deep
  15. New York Times Article: Global Warming Found to Displace Species
  16. NYT: Meteor May Have Started Dinosaur Era
  17. Nature: Parasites Lost
  18. Science Article: Ecology - African Elephant Species Splits in Two
  19. NYT: In Ancient Skulls From Ethiopia, Familiar Faces
  20. NYT: Beyond Cute: Exotic Pets Come Bearing Exotic Germs
  21. Reuters: Antarctic Ozone Hole Sets Record
  22. CNN: Arctic being 'transformed' by warming
  23. CNN: Ocean census finds 3 new species a week
  24. NYT: Why humans and their fur parted ways
  25. Statesman: Evolution at center of textbook debate
  26. CNN: Climate change may endanger monarch butterflies
  27. NYT: Comparing Genomes Shows Split Between Chimps and People
  28. NYT: Scientists Predict Widespread Extinction by Global Warming