Prosopis glandulosa

Common Name:  Honey Mesquite

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Prosopis glandulosa youngleaf.jpg (60080 bytes)

prosopis.glandulosa.lf.jpg (61305 bytes)
young leaf mature leaves
Prosopis glandulosa habit1.jpg (142580 bytes) Prosopis glandulosa thorns3.jpg (42657 bytes)
habit--mesquite usually branches extensively from the base thorns and young leaves
Prosopis glandulosa twinthorns.jpg (37202 bytes) Prosopis glandulosa thorns.jpg (74467 bytes)
the thorns of mesquite are paired at each node the roadsides of Texas can be littered with dead mesquite branches like this, so be careful where you step!

cluster of inflorescences--mesquite is a mimosoid legume in which the receptacle is elongated such that it does not have the "pom-pon" inflorescence typical of other mimosoid legumes part of an inflorescence closeup, showing individual flowers--notice that the stamens are the showiest part of these flowers

Prosopis glandulosa fruits.jpg (95964 bytes)

Prosopis glandulosa fruitscloseup.jpg (72205 bytes)
fruits--what kind of fruit what this be? fruits closeup--meal can be made from the seeds of mesquite
